2025 New Year's Resolutions & Goals
January 16, 2025
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New Year. A quarter of a century into the 2000s. And time for yearly goals.
This will be the seventh year I’ve made a post with these goals. Here’s the previous six:
- 2024 New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
- 2023 New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
- 2022 New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
- 2021 New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
- 2020 New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
- 2019 New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
- 2018 New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
I’ve come to organize my goals into four over-arching abstract goals: improve our finances, improve my health, improve personally & professionally, and focus on family. Each abstract goal is action-oriented - grammatically, that means it needs to be a verb or verb phrase. For each abstract goal, I have concrete goals which, for the most part, should have a number or something measurable that lets me know if that goal was met.
Improve Our Finances
- Max out our Roth IRAs ($7,000 each in 2025).
- We’re blessed enough that we were able to do this in a single transaction (well, two transactions, one for each account) on January 2nd.
- Max out the Ohio tax benefit for the kids’ 529 accounts ($4,000 per kid).
- Again, we were able to do this in a single transaction for each account on January 8th.
- Max out our employer Roth 401(k) accounts ($23,500 each in 2025).
- To max out our match (and not worry about any company true-up, if applicable) we have to spread this out per paycheck.
- Max out my i401(k) account (roughly 20% of any self-employment income)
- Generally I like to not contribute to the current year until after tax season is over, any any contribution I make before April 15 is marked for the previous year. There’s always a couple more bucks I can contribute once I’m figuring out taxes.
Improve My Health
- Weigh between just under 200 lbs and 190 lbs.
- I did ok on this last year - 48 of 149 of my weigh-ins, or 32%, we under 200 pounds - see below chart.
- Build muscle:
- I’m currently taking a strength-training class at my local YMCA.
- I don’t have a number for this - I need to do more thinking and research.
- Run:
- a 5k non-stop.
- a 5k in less than 30 minutes.
- non-stop for 30 consistently.
- I was able to run a 5k non-stop last year, and I ran it under 30 minutes. But just once.
- I would like to do this more consistently.
Improve Personally & Professionally
- Finish at least one book a month.
- Attend at least one conference or other networking event.
- Donate blood as much as possible.
- In 2024 I donated six times, bringing my total donations to 15.
- I have to wait at least four weeks between appointments; I’m eligible to donate now, but I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather.
Focus on Family
- Read to the kids everyday.
- Hike as a family at least sixteen times.
- Seven or more date nights.
- Eat out no more than once a week as a family.
So there you have it. Is there anything you’d suggest I add? Do you have any goals for this year?
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