Java Collections Framework - Map Interface Method Examples
May 31, 2021
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This is the second week of my Java Collections Framework examples. This week I’m going to give examples for the Map interface.
As of Java 8, the Map interface has 25 different methods, 11 of which are default
methods. Three of the methods (which are not default
methods) simply convert the Map into something else. I don’t give an example for those methods here. Those three methods are entrySet()
, keySet()
, and values()
Now, the code:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class MapSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer v;
boolean contains;
boolean replaced;
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
// map = {}
v = map.compute("Key", (key, oldValue) -> 1);
// v = 1
// map = {Key=1}
v = map.computeIfAbsent("New Key", key -> 2);
// v = 2
// map = {New Key=2, Key=1}
v = map.computeIfPresent("New Key", (key, oldValue) -> oldValue + 1);
// v = 3
// map = {New Key=3, Key=1}
contains = map.containsKey("Key");
// contains = true
contains = map.containsKey("Not a key");
// contains = false
contains = map.containsValue(1);
// contains = true
contains = map.containsValue(101);
// contains = false
// returns true
map.equals(new Object());
// returns false
map.equals(new HashMap<>());
// returns false
map.equals(new HashMap<>(map));
// returns true
map.equals(new LinkedHashMap<>(map));
// returns true
map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println("key: " + key + "\tvalue: " + value));
// Outputs:
// key: New Key value: 3
// key: Key value: 1
v = map.get("Key");
// v = 1
v = map.get("Not a key");
// v = null
v = map.getOrDefault("Key", -1);
// v = 1
v = map.getOrDefault("Not a key", -1);
// v = -1
// returns
// returns false
v = map.merge("Key", 3, (oldValue, newValue) -> oldValue + newValue);
// v = 4
// map = {New Key=3, Key=4}
v = map.put("Another key", 5);
// v = null
// map = {New Key=3, Key=4, Another key=5}
v = map.put("Another key", 6);
// v = 5
// map = {New Key=3, Key=4, Another key=6}
v = map.putIfAbsent("Key", 10);
// v = 4
// map = {New Key=3, Key=4, Another key=6}
v = map.putIfAbsent("Key 10", 10);
// v = null
// map = {Key 10=10, New Key=3, Key=4, Another key=6}
v = map.remove("Another key");
// v = 6
// map = {Key 10=10, New Key=3, Key=4}
v = map.remove("Not a key");
// v = null
// map = {Key 10=10, New Key=3, Key=4}
v = map.replace("Key", 7);
// v = 4
// map = {Key 10=10, New Key=3, Key=7}
replaced = map.replace("Key", 1, 3);
// replaced = false
// map = {Key 10=10, New Key=3, Key=7}
replaced = map.replace("Key", 7, 3);
// replaced = true
// map = {Key 10=10, New Key=3, Key=3}
replaced = map.replace("Key", 7, 3);
// replaced = false
// map = {Key 10=10, New Key=3, Key=3}
map.replaceAll((key, value) -> value * 2);
// map = {Key 10=20, New Key=6, Key=6}
// returns 3
// map = {}
// returns 0
// returns true
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