Three Simple Ways to Make A Difference
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Do you have an overall goal for your life? Maybe it’s simply to enjoy life, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Personally, I have two goals in life. The first is to be a father. The second is to make a difference in the world for the better.
I’m living the first goal with my wife and our beautiful baby son.
My current Facebook profile picture.
I believe anyone can make a difference in the world for the better by doing three simple things.
Here are three simple ways to make a difference in the world for the better:
Don’t Make the World Worse
The first way to make a difference in the world for the better is to not make the world worse.
It’s tempting to toss trash into a big pile of litter. After all, what difference will it make?
Or when you’re driving and someone cuts you off. It’s tempting to honk your horn, yell angrily, and give the other driver half a peace sign.
Imagine half of one of these.
By deciding not to do either of these things you will be making the world a better place.
Do the Little Things
The second way to make a difference in the world for the better is to do the little things.
I’m talking the things so little that you think that there’s no possible way that they could actually make a difference.
For instance - picking up a single piece of litter amongst a large pile of litter. It can’t possibly make a difference - after all, the rest of the litter will still be there.
Or choosing not to use a straw or a plastic lid when eating at a restaurant. There’s nothing wrong with using straws or plastic lids, but if you don’t need them, don’t use them. Not only does this help the restaurant’s bottom line, but it also helps the environment, too.
Be Grateful
The third way to make a difference in the world for the better is to be grateful.
I know it can be frustrating when you go to McDonald’s and the employees take ten minutes to make your food. After all, it’s fast food, and ten minutes is not fast!
But you have food. The alternative is, well, that you don’t have food - which is a real situation that much of the world faces. And ten minutes to get a meal really isn’t that long.
The employees are doing their best. Don’t react angrily to them - don’t demand a gift card or that they be fired - instead, be grateful you have a meal in the first place and thank them.
I Challange You
After you read this blog post - once you leave cyberspace and go into the real world - make a difference in the world by doing these three simple things:
- Don’t Make the World Worse
- Do the Little Things
- Be Grateful
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